We have been designing motorcycle tours since 2001. Motorcycles and touring came into our lives slowly and later became an addiction. The next thing was to connect and share our routes, experiences with like minded people. And more importantly, to encourage more people to take up motorcycle travel. This gave birth to 60kph – Motorcycle Travel Club, India, one of the first non-profit motorcycle travel clubs within India, in 2002.
To further promote motorcycle touring, we made two award winning documentary films with Dirt Track Productions about our motorcycle journeys to remote parts of India. The films were shown at film festivals worldwide and bought by the Discovery Channel.
Ride of My Life is but an extension of our passion for motorcycle touring. The tours we design here are based on our years of riding experience in remote regions. The routes, places to stay, and of course, the experiences, are all crafted to give a rider an experience of a lifetime.
If you want to book a tour with us, welcome onboard. But even if you just need some information for your self-guided motorcycle ride, we will be more than happy to help!
About the Founders
Gaurav Jani

Vinod Panicker

Sanjay Sharma